Overall solution for pharmaceutical water

Water treatment revolutionizes one-stop solutions based on data, not experience

Traditional ModelKEYPACK Intelligent Early Warning System
Just detecting parameters, fault alarms. Examples: pump overclocking, elevated conductivity alarms, etc.Automatic early warning judgment (trend analysis, cumulative value statistics).
It's only when there's an actual malfunction that the alarm goes off.Be proactive and alert before an overrun/failure actually occurs, reducing the risk of downtime.
The same fault may be caused by a variety of reasons, the traditional way can not directly identify the fault (specific points) need to be investigated one by one, more dependent on "experience" judgment.Quickly identifies the actual problem point when a failure occurs, along with the solution, eliminating the need to spend a lot of time analyzing the problem point.
Spare parts/consumables, purchased and replaced based on "experience".Spare parts/consumables are managed based on "data" and purchases and replacements are justified.

Meets various regulatory requirements

CountryStandard System
WHO World Health OrganizationWHO World Health Organization
ChinaGood Manufacturing Practice and its appendices
Guide to Pharmaceutical GMP: Plant Facilities and Equipment
Chinese Pharmacopoeia, abbreviated CP
European Union (EU)Guideline on the quality of water for pharmaceutical use
EU GMP Appendix 1 Aseptic Product Production
European Pharmacopoeia, abbreviated EP
United StatesHigh Pure Water System Inspection Guide