CIP Cleaning System

At present, on-site cleaning systems have been widely used in highly mechanized production enter prises such as beverages, dairy products, fruit juices, beer, sugar making, and biopharmaceuticals. The ClP system is mainly applied in the food and beverage, pharmaceutical industries.

Taking the beverage industry as an example, the cleaning procedure is as follows:

1.Wash for 3-5 minutes with hot water at room temperature or above 60 °C; Alkali wash for 10-20 minutes, 1%-2% solution, 60℃ -80℃;  Wash in the middle for 5-10 minutes with clean water below 60℃; Finally, wash for 3-5 minutes with clean water.

2. Wash for 3-5 minutes with hot water at room temperature or above 60 °C; Alkaline washing for 5-10 minutes, 1% -2% solution, 60 ℃ -80 ℃, intermediate washing for 5-10 minutes, water below 60 ℃, sterilization for 10-20 minutes, and hot water above 90 ℃.

The guarantee of cleaning flow rate is actually to ensure the passage of cleaning fluid during cleaning, thereby generating a certain amount of mechanical working force, that is, by improving the turbulence of the fluid to enhance the impact force and achieve a certain cleaning effect.

  • Ability to rationalise production schedules and increase production capacity

  • Product quality Improvement

  • Saving labour

    Prevents hazards during cleaning operations
  • Cost-saving

    Savings in cleaning agents, steam, water and production costs
  • Increase in useful life

  • Three models

    CIP cleaning device with manual, semi-automatic and fully automatic three modes for customer choice