CIP Cleaning System Standards

CIP Cleaning Effect Evaluation Criteria As an ideal CIP for the food industry, the cleaning effect must meet the following criteria:

1.Odour: fresh, no foreign odour, for special treatment processes or special stages allow a slight odour, but does not affect the safety of the final product and its own quality.

2.Visual: the cleaning surface is bright, no accumulation of water, no film, no dirt or other. At the same time, after CIP treatment, the production and processing capacity of the equipment changed significantly, health indicators, microbiological indicators to meet the relevant requirements, can not cause the product of other health indicators of high.

3.Economy: Under the condition that the cleaning can be satisfied at the same time, the cost is an important factor to measure the cleaning effect.

4.CIP operation must be relatively safe, convenient, etc.

With the continuous improvement of the mechanisation and automation of the production of products, the CIP system has been widely researched and applied, and at the same time, the progress of science and the continuous standardisation of the market, its popularity in food production will continue to increase.